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The Many Roles of Russian Brides

Russian brides wear many hats and still manage to keep a good head on their shoulders. No, we are not talking about the famous ushanka military hat or Mikhail Gorbachev’s favorite astrakhan. We speak, rather, of the different roles and duties that are defined for and expected of Russian ladies: daughter, bride, wife, and mother. Western men seeking Russian brides would be surprised to find that these women courageously take on each role with pride and devotion, despite the challenges that come with being viewed as “the weaker sex.”

Voluptuous James Bond villainesses and graceful ballerinas are the usual knee-jerk thoughts when “Russian ladies” come to mind, but this narrow view is changing as the world becomes smaller. A Russian lady is a woman born into circumstances that could shatter the resolve of an ordinary Western woman. Russian ladies shoulder the burden of all gender roles but with limited economic opportunities.

Russian brides as dutiful daughters

As daughters (“dochka”), Russian ladies are raised to put the needs of other members of the family, particularly that of the father, before her own. The average Russian lady starts dating in her early teens. Russian women dating is not very different from dating customs observed in other parts of the world. Russian singles on a date usually go out for dinner, and then to a café or a dance club. Going to the movies, the preferred dating activity in the U.S., is not as popular among Russian singles. Men who like to take Russian women dating are counted on to pay for the date.

The importance of marriage to Russian brides

The legal age for marriage is 18 years old, and many Russian brides enter matrimony at a very young age. Getting married and becoming a mother are the two cornerstones of Russian brides. The social status of a Russian lady who remains unmarried beyond the age of 25 is akin to that of a young spinster, mocked for her “undesirability” and “unmarriageability.” “A woman without a husband is like an orphaned child,” goes one proverb that scorns a Russian lady who “descends” into spinsterhood. This is the reason why many a young girl’s dream is to become a Russian bride.

When Russian brides become Russian wives

When a Russian lady becomes a Russian bride (“nevesta”), she assumes the dual roles of wife (“zhena”) and, subsequently, mother (“mat’”). While it is a fact that Russian wives would sacrifice a lot for families, the devastating aftermath of “perestroika” has left many Russian wives with little choice but to take up employment in order to help their husbands provide for their children. These Russian wives never yield to hard work and struggle. Russian wives are reputed to be loving, caring, gentle, and faithful. It is no wonder that Western men have been smitten by Russian ladies, searching mostly through Russian dating services, for that special Russian bride. Russian brides are hardworking and resourceful, and they assume all responsibility for household duties and child care.

Resilient and unyielding to hard work, the Russian wife is beyond categorization. To Western men who consider the Russian lady as the perfect life partner, no single word could encapsulate the essence of the Russian wife. And to that, we say: Hats off to you, Russian brides!

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