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Mail Order Brides Diaries

Yuliya187 Yuliya  (Yuliya187)
My son and his daughter cooked big dinner on Christmas and invited me. It was a big surprise not to cook anything and just enjoy relaxing Christmas!
Jan. 08
Irina1734 Irina  (Irina1734)
I celebrated Christmas in the village together with my son, his wife and her family. We had so much fun together and we even went skating and sledging there. It was wonderful rest!
Jan. 08
Viktoria316 Viktoria  (Viktoria316)
I have been to the supermarket today and bought so many sweets for close people for Christmas. It will be sweet Christmas for sure;)
Jan. 05
Svetlana1219 Svetlana  (Svetlana1219)
I will meet with my close friends on Christmas to celebrate it together. I plan to cook goose with apples and oranges and hope everybody will enjoy it.
Jan. 04
Olga1543 Olga  (Olga1543)
On Christmas I will have many guests, because my family and close friends will come for festive dinner. So, today I will be busy with general cleaning. Now I am drinking a cup of coffee to get energy)
Jan. 04
Veronika56 Veronika  (Veronika56)
In a few days we will celebrate Christmas Eve at home and we keep the tradition of cooking 12 dishes for festive table. So, today I will go shopping to buy all necessary products for tasty dinner.
Jan. 04
Nadiya6 Nadiya  (Nadiya6)
Found a good recipe of chicken baked in the oven! I will cook it for Christmas, as my close people will gather together enjoy family dinner.
Dec. 29
Nataliya402 Nataliya  (Nataliya402)
I waked up in a great mood today. I had my day off and I tried the recipes of two new salads I am going to cook for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. They contain meat, they are nutritious and tasty.
Dec. 24
Eve1 Eve  (Eve1)
Got some sweets for my family members and put them on Christmas tree! I like such sweet decorations, you can always eat them : )
Dec. 24
Taniya2 Taniya  (Taniya2)
Went to the shopping center and enjoyed watching the big Christmas tree they had put up there. It is very high and I liked the decorations. People were buying presents, there is such a mess in shops!
Dec. 24
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
This year we have special Christmas tree in one shop and there are postcards with written desires from kids of orphanage. I took part in charity campaign and bought a gift for a kid without a family.
Dec. 20
Natalia1309 Natalia  (Natalia1309)
Need to buy good Christmas presents for my close friends. I am a bit shocked with prices. So I feel like I will do something with my own hands.
Dec. 14
Irina1275 Irina  (Irina1275)
Yesterday we installed the Christmas tree at home and I was jumping from happiness like a child. I like the atmosphere of Christmas at home.
Dec. 13
Taniya2 Taniya  (Taniya2)
It snowed here today. I like snow in the beginning of winter, it is something that creates wonderful atmosphere and makes you anticipate Christmas time even more!
Nov. 29
Nadiya6 Nadiya  (Nadiya6)
Tonight me and my children discussed the Christmas presents they are willing to ask Santa to bring to them : ) they are pretty adult and smart, so they know that it is me who is their Santa : )
Nov. 22
Yuliya194 Yuliya  (Yuliya194)
We started the preparations to Christmas concert together with my pupils and we have so much fun) I am really happy to work with kids, because they are the course of eternal energy!
Nov. 20
Veronika56 Veronika  (Veronika56)
There are so many Christmas decorations at the supermarkets and today I even bought some decorations;)
Nov. 08
Viktoria277 Viktoria  (Viktoria277)
This weekend we celebrated Christmas! This time I prepared a pineapple pie for the dinner with relatives. We enjoyed it a lot and had a lot of talks and laugh!
Jan. 09
Marina781 Marina  (Marina781)
My Christmas will be a day of amazing surprises!) This day is to unite all my close people at the same table ... friends and family)
Dec. 22
Galina289 Galina  (Galina289)
Christmas is the brightest, calm and peaceful holiday. On this day, I want to wish well-being, fulfillment of all cherished desires, belief in a miracle, being healthy and happy. Happy Holidays!
Dec. 22


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