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Mail Order Brides Diaries

Liliya103 Liliya  (Liliya103)
Tomorrow I will go to the Catholic Cathedral together with my friend. We like listening to Organ music and tomorrow the concert will take place there.
Jan. 25
Irina1575 Irina  (Irina1575)
Went to work by bus and enjoyed listening to my favourite song on the radio. It was so great! This song improved my mood so much! It really made my day.
Jan. 22
Alisa26 Alisa  (Alisa26)
Great music always makes my day! Today I started my day with turning on the musical channel on TV. There is no day I live without music of almost any genre.
Sep. 30
Elena1886 Elena  (Elena1886)
My friend gave me the CD with lovely music and I listened to it all day long. it was a relaxing day for me and I had a good rest. Music is a great escape from routine!
Aug. 19
Ekaterina671 Ekaterina  (Ekaterina671)
I have a new favorite singer - Future. I really love his songs, Low life, Mask off, Love me. These songs and music videos make my mood really nice.
Jun. 15
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
This weekend we will have concert tributed to music of Rammstein. This official cover band, who plays and makes show with firework, they will come to Poltava. I plan to visit it.
Mar. 16
Anastasiya101 Anastasiya  (Anastasiya101)
I watched Eurovision selection on TV and I think we have many interesting bands to represent Ukraine. I would say that The Erised are very nice band and VILNA is very interesting, too!
Feb. 20
Ekaterina671 Ekaterina  (Ekaterina671)
Tomorrow evening my neighbors are going to go to the country house. So I can enjoy loud listening to music.
Sep. 18
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
Some of my friends are going to visit Jazz-Koktebel music Festival and maybe I will go too. This year they will celebrate 15th anniversary and we are hoping they will invite good artists.
Aug. 21
Albina39 Albina  (Albina39)
I am in love with jazz since my childhood. I always dreamt to listen to the live performance of it and I was happy to be at the local concert which was devoted to the memory of Loius Armstong.
Jun. 30
Yuliya167 Yuliya  (Yuliya167)
I saw on the street the young talented stage concert of saxophonists. It was awesome when they all played together at the same time!
Jun. 29
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
Today we have concert of Evanescence in Kiev! Wow!.. That is one of my favorite artists from school years. :)
Jun. 26
Inna400 Inna  (Inna400)
It's interesting to watch Eurovision on TV, all artists are nice and creative. I am very curious who will win this year.
May. 12
Nataliya278 Nataliya  (Nataliya278)
I am so tired of work lately that I decided that I need to do something for myself. Maybe to go for some nice concert. I need to look if we have something nice in the city. Do you visit music events?
Jan. 31
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
Summer is great time for music festivals and I am going to visit Kiev soon for Atlas Weekend. I am happy to see many foreign bands that I like to listen to. And I hope to meet new interesting people.
Jun. 23
Anastasiya101 Anastasiya  (Anastasiya101)
I spend wonderful weekend with my friends. We have visited music concert Rock'n'Ball near Poltava and enjoyed live music in the open air. There was a lot of local bands and some artists from abroad.
May. 31
Alina175 Alina  (Alina175)
I am still in search of company for a trip to Red Hot Chile Peppers concert in July in Kiev. By the way I learnt one more RHCP song and now I enjoy to play it on my guitar. :)
Apr. 25
Svetlana1108 Svetlana  (Svetlana1108)
Here I am! Listening to Muse in my player. I am so excited to know that this band will come to Ukraine in July! Who wants to go with me to the concert? ;)
Mar. 04
Elena2065 Elena  (Elena2065)
I have decided to finally take guitar lessons. Do you think it's very romantic and sexy when woman can play a guitar? I do for some reason. So, I want to be like that.
Feb. 16
Olga1533 Olga  (Olga1533)
I start lessons to play on guitar) Would you like to hear my first music?)I hope I can catch your attention)
Sep. 20


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