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Mail Order Brides Diaries

Irina1675 Irina  (Irina1675)
Days are so nice if you go for a walk to the park! The light is soft and the shades are playing on the ground! Indeed, everything looks so perfect when you notice the beauty of nature.
Aug. 06
Ella28 Ella  (Ella28)
My daughter and I are going to spend time in the park this evening, we are going to feed the swans with bread, ride a catamaran and eat a cotton candy!
Jul. 23
Anna935 Anna  (Anna935)
We arrange a big picnic with my colleagues on the seaside. We will rent little houses and arrange bbq there. I think it will be relaxing time.
Jun. 28
Elena1641 Elena  (Elena1641)
The whole week I have to wake up at 6 am for work, but on coming Sunday I will have the day off and dream to spend the whole day in the bed, enjoying wonderful and lazy time;)
Jun. 28
Yulia344 Yulia  (Yulia344)
Weekend - time for yourself. I made a list of films, and also chose a couple of healthy and tasty fruit dishes. You need to pamper yourself and your inner child, which everyone has!
May. 31
Anastasiya151 Anastasiya  (Anastasiya151)
Had a lovely time in the countryside with my family and friends. Our friends have dacha and we went there, ate wonderful grilled meat and fish and celebrated my friend’s b-day.
May. 11
Nadiya6 Nadiya  (Nadiya6)
Had a wonderful day of relaxation. I made some masks for my face, hair and body, and enjoyed staying on the sofa and listening to music. I adore such days!
Apr. 15
Valeriya86 Valeriya  (Valeriya86)
This Saturday I spent at the entertainment center playing bowling with my friends! I like to play this game so much!
Apr. 08
Natalia1046 Natalia  (Natalia1046)
I will go to sauna together with my best friends today. We usually take herbal tea and some sweets with us and it is perfect way to relax!
Apr. 04
Kristina193 Kristina  (Kristina193)
This week was a very hectic, but weekend is close and I have a plan to stay home, enjoy nice movies and a book. I started a book called Rollback by Robert Sawyer, and it is very nice and intriguing.
Mar. 29
Irina1575 Irina  (Irina1575)
It was my weekend today and I planned to have a good rest in the countryside at my friend Alla’s dacha. But the weather changed our plans – it sleeted!
Feb. 17
Olga1543 Olga  (Olga1543)
Yesterday I had a long walk with my sons on the seashore. We were feeding the seagulls and then we had dinner at the pizzeria. So, it was absolutely relaxing weekend!
Feb. 11
Veronika56 Veronika  (Veronika56)
My son went to school today after two weeks of holidays and I had the day off. So, I spent the whole day at home alone and it happened for the first time during the last half a year)))
Feb. 11
Nataliya402 Nataliya  (Nataliya402)
Bought some nice magazines I am going to read tonight. Tomorrow is a working day, so I need to relax and spend my day in a good way.
Feb. 08
Vladimira1 Vladimira  (Vladimira1)
Today the weather is lovely. We have frosty, but sunny day. That is why we had a long walk with my kids in the morning. We also enjoyed feeding the seagulls with bread. It is always fun!
Jan. 31
Svetlana1399 Svetlana  (Svetlana1399)
Today we have short day at work and I agreed to meet with my friend for a walk on the beach. The weather is not the best, but it is still great to breathe fresh air!
Jan. 30
Olga1503 Olga  (Olga1503)
I opened my eyes in the morning and I was so glad to realize that I didn’t need to go to work. It is such a good feeling to have a day off and no morning rush.
Jan. 30
Anastasia141 Anastasia  (Anastasia141)
We have a little tradition with my girls to go to the sauna on the last Fridays of the month. So, today we will have relaxing evening in sauna and do some beauty procedures. Mmm... it is wonderful!
Jan. 25
Inna424 Inna  (Inna424)
Yesterday we have been to sauna together with my girls and it was so relaxing time there. Feel myself 5 years younger after it;)
Jan. 04
Alisa26 Alisa  (Alisa26)
Is there a better way of spending your evening than having a relaxing bubble bath? I adore this activity and tonight I enjoyed it and felt simply great.
Nov. 29


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