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Mail Order Brides Diaries

Irina1525 Irina  (Irina1525)
My vacuum cleaner is probably my biggest helper around the house. And today I realized that it is getting older and I need to find a new helper.
Jul. 13
Galina317 Galina  (Galina317)
The last week was like madhouse for me, because we had to move from the apartment we lived before to a new one. Only today I had the chance to rest finally and cook the dinner at a new kitchen!
Jun. 30
Alisa26 Alisa  (Alisa26)
Cleaned my dwelling, cooked dinner, went shopping and felt that I could be a great wife! ) But where is my future husband? Does he know that I am looking for him for so long?
Jun. 02
Nataliya464 Nataliya  (Nataliya464)
I moved to another apartment and now I have very nice view from the windows. Every morning I make a cup of coffee for myself and sit on the balcony, enjoying the breakfast!
Mar. 03
Nadiya6 Nadiya  (Nadiya6)
Finally I had my day off, but there were so many things to be done! I cleaned my flat, did the laundry and ironing. And then I cooked pasta with tomato sauce!
Jan. 18
Albina39 Albina  (Albina39)
Renting the place in Kiev is not that easy thing to do . I often have to change it and that is what I have made this January. Now I am living in another district with my friend but I l like it.
Jan. 18
Albina39 Albina  (Albina39)
I love to live in Kiev, that is one of my favorite cities right now . Nevertheless, I rent here a place right now I hope that one day I would have here my own apartment.
Dec. 23
Svetlana1353 Svetlana  (Svetlana1353)
It was my day off and it was high time for a good cleaning at home. I did organize things at my wardrobe case, cleaned the dust and vacuumed my dwelling. I am proud of myself : )
Dec. 14
Angelina40 Angelina  (Angelina40)
Did so many things about the house! coping with such amount of tasks is not always easy, but everything is possible when you are waiting for guests to come!
Nov. 29
Alisa26 Alisa  (Alisa26)
Had my day off and was in need of coping with things like laundry, shopping and cleaning.. as a result I did everything necessary but had no time to rest.
Nov. 22
Nataliya403 Nataliya  (Nataliya403)
I just back home from my work and noticed a lot of water on the floor. It turned out that it was the fault of my neighbors. Water poured from my ceiling. Now we will find out the cause of the flood ..
Nov. 06
Elena2236 Elena  (Elena2236)
I can find nothing new and interesting there in my wardrobe. I am sad and decided to say good bye to all the unnecessary things I don’t wear anymore!
Oct. 15
Lora10 Lora  (Lora10)
It is the end of September, but it is already cold inside my flat. Central heating is going to get started only in a month, so it is time to get warm fluffy home clothes out of the wardrobe case ; )
Sep. 30
Eve1 Eve  (Eve1)
Today I did a lot of laundry. I cleaned the floor and organized things in the bathroom. The day was spent not in vain ) I like taking care of my dwelling and making it cozy and tidy.
Sep. 14
Kristina193 Kristina  (Kristina193)
Finally I am renting a new flat. A lot of things are still unpacked but I am happy! It is so nice to have better and bigger place to live in. My cat and I are really enjoying it.
Jun. 25
Yuliya187 Yuliya  (Yuliya187)
Now I am looking for a new apartment, because I have to change the place of living. So, I want to find some cozy place where I feel myself comfortable. But it is not so easy, I should tell.
Nov. 24

        End of list

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